West Mundijong Industrial Development Contribution Plan

Contribution arrangements for sharing the costs of Infrastructure are currently in place across the West Mundijong Industrial area.

Developers (through the DCP scheme) will fund the component of infrastructure demand which is driven as a result of growth. 

Details of the infrastructure inclusions, timelines and associated costs (and contribution amounts) of the DCP are in the latest DCP report here. (Previous DCP Report Revisions can be viewed via the link).

West Mundijong Industrial Development Contribution Plan Report Revision No. 5

The DCP has been developed under the framework of the State Government’s State Planning Policy 3.6 (SPP3.6), which guides the process of how development contributions for infrastructure are managed. SPP 3.6 can be viewed here.

DCP Annual Reports

Annual Report 

SPP 3.6 (2021) requires an Annual Status Report to be prepared by the local government, providing an overview of progress of the delivery of infrastructure specified in the DCP.  This is to be published on the local government’s website within 6 months of Financial Year End. As a new requirement within the revised SPP 3.6 (2021) this report will be available within 6 months of Financial Year End 2022/2023 onwards.

The Annual Report confirms that the DCP Reserve Account has been independently audited for the Annual Report financial year.  Details of the Annual Audits undertaken for all the Shire’s active DCPs can be found here.

Annual Report - Financial Year 2022-2023

Annual Report - Financial Year 2023-2024

 Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for further information, or contact us through one of the below options:

- Phone us on 9526 1111
- Email developmentcontributions@sjshire.wa.gov.au
- At the Shire’s administration centre, 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong during office hours to speak to an officer (by appointment only).