Local Biodiversity Strategy
The Local Biodiversity Strategy contains a number of proposals to protect and manage some of the remaining Local Natural Areas within the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale. It applies to o Local Natural Areas, Bush Forever areas in private ownership, and Bush Forever areas under Council management. Local Natural Areas are the areas of native vegetation outside of the public conservation estate or Bush Forever areas, and are generally found on private land and local reserves
In 2006, the Shire committed to preparing a Local Biodiversity Strategy to protect local areas of bushland, wetlands and vegetated waterways, especially where they have significant ecological features. The major driver for the preparation of the Strategy was community concern that existing environmental laws were often not being enforced and natural areas were being cleared and damaged as a result. The intent of the Strategy was to set local priorities and laws that could be enforced through the Local Planning Scheme.
The Local Biodiversity Strategy was adopted by Council in 2008. In 2019 an Update Report was adopted, which reviews the implementation of the Strategy over the last ten years, and to propose a revised set of goals, targets and actions for the next ten years.
Local Biodiversity Strategy
Update Report
Caring for our Environment
Do you have a significant amount of remnant vegetation on your property? If so, you may be eligible for advice and assistance through the Shire’s Healthy Habitats program.
The Healthy Habitats program has been running since 2009 and is a partnership between the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale and Landcare SJ.
The program offers support to landholders with privately owned bushland including information and advice tailored to each property about how to best look after it.
In some cases, Landcare SJ can link eligible landholders to funding sources to implement management actions such as weed control and fencing.
There are currently close to 30 properties that are members of the program, representing 500ha of natural areas being actively looked after by the landowners.
Download the Healthy Habitats brochure to find out more
Benefits of greening urban areas
Greening of urban areas greatly improves livability by enhancing the local environment, increasing ecological resilience, improving the health and wellbeing of residents, increasing the value of property and decreasing the cost of living.
Learn more by reading Switch Your Thinking's flyer here.