"WA Plastic Free" in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale

We’re excited to announce that WA Plastic Free will be working with our local food retailers as they adapt to the single-use plastic free future.
The WA State Government has introduced a single-use plastic ban as part of a national effort to combat plastic pollution. WA Plastic Free will be assisting the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale businesses as part of that transition, with funding provided by the WA State Government.
Food retailers; like cafes, bars, restaurants, kiosks & vans are eligible for the program. The focus is on single-use takeaway items where sustainable practices & alternative products already exist.
Globally the packaging industry is changing very fast, which is fantastic for our communities and the planet, but many local businesses are not yet fully prepared. So we’re thrilled they’ll be able to receive free on the ground support with WA Plastic Free.
If you, or anyone you know, own a food or beverage related retail business within the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale you can register your interest at waplasticfree.org/join. You can also show your support by following the efforts on Instagram or Facebook and encourage your local cafe or bar etc… to join.