Employing People with a Disability
The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is committed to a diverse, inclusive and accessible workplace, below are a range of resources to help you ensure your business is inclusive.
The Australian Human Rights Commission website provides a range of Good Practice Good Business factsheets to help promote diversity and prevent discrimination in the workplace including a fact sheet on Disability Discrimination
The WA Department of Communities, Disability Services have developed a Disability Employment Toolkit which outlines the practical application of inclusive recruitment practices across all employment sectors. Some useful links are provided below and more details can be found on their website.
Understanding Disability
The Australian Network on Disability is a national, membership based, for-purpose organisation that supports organisations to advance the inclusion of people with disability in all aspects of business.
Some free information is available using the links below, additional resources are available for member businesses including training in how to provide an accessible and inclusive workplace, becoming a disability-confident recruiter and how to check your business' progress in meeting accessibility targets:
Economic Participation Project
The Economic Participation Project is a partnership between People With Disabilities WA (PWdWA), Advocacy WA (AWA) and Youth Disability Network (YDAN).
Its goal is to develop the soft skills of young people with disabilities and provide them with the self-assurance to build links with their industry of choice.
Visit the Economic Participation Project page to find out more
Please note: Anyone in Serpentine Jarrahdale who wishes to contact the Economic Participation Project should email their Metro & Wheatbelt office at isabella@pwdwa.org
Resources for Job Seekers
The Shire has engaged award winning career coach Alison Bannister to deliver a series of online webinars around a range of employment related topics. A new webinar is released each month from September 2021 until June 2022 and each release is available for six months. You can watch all the webinars by clicking the image below.
The first webinar in the series released 23 September 2021 is titled Disability Employment Tips and provides innovative ideas aimed at helping individuals with a disability to find employment more easily, other titles in the series include Winning Resumes and Cover Letters and Interview Skills, Insider Tips.
Webinars have the advantage of being able to be watched as many times as you like, paused when you need to and watched at a time of day or night that suits your schedule. Set your own pace and volume and if you would like a copy of the slides to read please contact the Shire on communityactivation@sjshire.wa.gov.au or 9526 1111.

The Australian Government has also produced the below list of resources available as a downloadable pdf. This includes the contact details for a number of Government agencies that specialise in Disability Employment Services and a list of websites with information on job seeking, job seeking support, education and further training. If you would like a printed copy please contact the Shire on communityactivation@sjshire.wa.gov.au or 9526 1111.