Parking information
Safe and Legal Parking
Learn more about parking and vehicle restrictions in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale to help avoid infringements and keep the community safe.
Parking on footpaths, median strips and roundabouts
Footpaths are for the safe passage of pedestrians and are commonly shared with wheelchair users and parents with prams. You are not allowed to park your vehicle or any part of your vehicle on or over a footpath as this will cause an obstruction.
It is also unacceptable to park a vehicle on a median strip, traffic island or roundabout. These controls divide traffic to make driving on busy roads safer.
Parking on verges
Verge parking within the Shire is generally regulated with signage. It is an offence to park on verges where verge parking is prohibited by signs, and you may receive an infringement notice if you fail to comply.
Where no signage is in place, the adjacent land owner/occupier should be approached for consent to park on the verge.
Parking Within 10 Metres of an Intersection (near corners)
A person shall not stop or park a vehicle so that any portion of the vehicle is:
(a) within 10 metres of the nearest property line of any thoroughfare intersecting the thoroughfare on the side on which the vehicle is parked

Parking in ACROD Bays
To use disability parking bays, vehicles must clearly display a current ACROD parking permit.
A vehicle utilising a disability bay without an ACROD permit will be infringed.
Sale of Vehicles
You are not allowed to advertise your vehicle for sale in a road reserve. This includes advertising a vehicle on your front verge or on a median strip.
Parking and Parking Facilities Local Laws
Caravan and other trailers
Caravans and other trailers are not permitted to be parked on a thoroughfare, which includes Shire verges, when unattached to a motor vehicle.
Where can I park my caravan?
- On private property, including driveways and grassed areas within the private property boundary.
- Storage facilities
If I attach the trailer to a motor vehicle will this be allowed?
- Yes, the vehicle would be permitted to be parked on a thoroughfare for up to 24 hours, allowing residents time to load the caravan or trailer.
My caravan is on a thoroughfare, am I going to receive an infringement?
- The Shire may issue a notice to the owner to remove the trailer within a timeframe. Failure to remove the trailer within the requested timeframe may result in an infringement, while trailers left for an extended period of time may be removed by the Shire.
Truck parking/commercial vehicles
'Commercial vehicle' means a motor vehicle constructed for the conveyance of goods or merchandise, or for the conveyance of materials used in any trade, business, industry or work whatsoever, other than a motor vehicle for the conveyance of passengers, and includes any motor vehicle that is designed primarily for the carriage of persons, but which has been fitted or adapted for the conveyance of the goods, merchandise or materials referred to, and is in fact used for that purpose.
A person shall not park a vehicle or any combination of vehicles, that, together with any projection on, or load carried by, the vehicle or combination of vehicles, is 7.5 metres or more in length or exceeds a GVM of 4.5 tonnes:
- On a carriageway in a built-up area, for any period exceeding one hour, unless engaged in the picking up or setting down of goods
- On a carriageway outside a built-up area, except on the shoulder of the carriageway, or in a truck bay or other area set aside for the parking of goods vehicles
School parking guidelines
The Shire is committed to working with our community to ensure the safety of all children around school zones, particularly during pick up and drop off times.
Schools are areas where there is a lot of interaction between cars and your children. Children are small, hard to see, behave unpredictably, and are extremely vulnerable. Their lack of road sense means it is difficult for them to judge dangerous situations. Knowing the parking arrangements and road conditions around your school and teaching your children to be safe around traffic will help to keep them safe.
Common school parking issues that our Rangers are currently targeting
- Parking on, over or obstructing footpath or pedestrian crossing
- Stopping where yellow no stopping lines are painted
- Parking against the flow of traffic, ensure you park in the direction that traffic is flowing
- Parking or stopping contrary to signs or limitations, e.g. stopping on road or verge, where upright signs say ‘no stopping road or verge’ or parking in a drop off zone.
- Double parking, parking on a carriageway parallel to a vehicle already parked on that side of the carriageway.
- Parking obstructing access to driveway.
- Parking within 10 metres of intersections.
- Stopping in a bus bay or 20m approach side/10m departure side of bus stop.
Rangers regularly patrol our schools during pick up and drop off times to encourage the safe flow of traffic. If vehicles are found to be parking contrary to the Shire’s Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2014 owners/drivers will be issued a parking infringement.
Seven school pick-up safety tips
- Set a good example. Parents/caregivers are the best teachers of responsible road safety.
- Children up to eight years old should hold an adult's hand on the footpath, in the car park or when crossing the road.
- Children up to ten years old should be actively supervised around traffic and should hold an adult's hand when crossing the road.
- Take the time to make sure your children are aware of, understand and follow traffic safety regulations when they are walking.
- Teach your children to be aware of their environment: e.g. wearing headphones or getting distracted by playing with friends on the way to or from school can make them more vulnerable to accidents.
- Make sure your driving and parking are not endangering your own or others' children. Obey all parking signs and speed limits, and always be on the lookout for the unexpected. Many traffic safety issues around schools arise from the driving and parking behaviour of parents.
- Never call your child across the road.
Tips to plan after school pickup with your children
- When and where you will be after school?
- Where should your child wait?
- Make sure they know not to try and get into your vehicle while it is still in traffic, even if you are stopped, they should wait until you have parked.
- Actively encourage your school to have some arrangements in place to help you collect your children.
Fines and infringement
Receiving a parking infringement is not something that anyone enjoys and, in many cases, the fine can be avoided.
Enforcement is the last resort in the Shire’s effort to ensure that it is as easy as possible for everybody to park and move around throughout the Shire.
A few simple tips will help you to avoid incurring a fine:
- Ensure that you carefully read and follow any parking signs.
- Refrain from parking in No Stopping areas, No Parking areas, Loading Zones, in Bus Stops and bays.
- Do not park on a verge where signage prohibits the action, on verges without permission from the property owner, in bays for other types of vehicles (e.g. motorcycles, bicycles, taxis), in rights of way, in a way that obstructs a driveway or footpath or facing against the traffic flow.
- Ensure you have parked your vehicle within the lines or area permitted.
- If you have a current ACROD permit ensure it is clearly visible.
- Parking the same as another illegally parked vehicle does not make you exempt from an infringement notice.
If You Have Received a Parking Infringement
If you have received a Parking Infringement, you may choose to do one of the following things:
1) Pay the Parking Infringement
This can be paid over the telephone by contacting 9526 1111, in person at the Administration Centre or by post to 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong
* Note that extensions on payment are not given and part payments are not accepted.
2) Appeal the Parking Infringement
If you believe you have unjustly received a parking infringement notice, you do have the right of appeal. Your appeal must be in writing and should be submitted via e-mail to or by post to: Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale, 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong or you can appeal the infringement via an Online Parking Infringement Appeal Form.
To avoid additional costs, an appeal must be lodged within 28 days of receiving an infringement:
- Appeals will not be accepted by phone.
- Appeals may be accepted by email or fax, provided a residential address is supplied to enable a response to be sent.
- Appeals will be accepted in person at the Administration Centre.
Details of the infringement that need to be included in your appeal are:
- Infringement number
- Date of notice
- Vehicle registration number
- Return address and phone number
- Photocopies of all relevant supporting documentation
- Detailed reasons why you believe an appeal should be granted.
All appeals lodged and processed will be advised of the outcome in writing and posted out to you.
3) Nominate Another Driver of the Vehicle
If you were not the driver of the vehicle at the time the infringement was incurred, you have 28 days to nominate the actual driver by completing a statutory declaration with the driver's full name and current address and forwarding it to the Shire. The statutory declaration needs to be witnessed by a person authorised to witness a statutory declaration or a Justice of the Peace. In the absence of proof to the contrary, you will be deemed to have committed the offence.
4) Take the matter to Court
Should you wish to have a parking infringement heard in the Magistrates' Court rather than investigated by the Shire, please notify the Shire in writing. On receipt of such a nomination, the Shire will make all necessary arrangements for the matter to be heard in the Magistrates' Court and will notify you in writing of the date when the "First Mention" will occur.
Appeal a Parking Infringement
Statutory Declaration