Resident Managed Verges
Resident Managed Verges are essentially verges that are maintained by the adjacent landowner, instead of the Shire.
Please note: The Shire manages only selected verges within the rural landscape providing the service of weed control with possible slashing and tree services.
Urban and Rural residents who currently have verges managed by the Shire may formally request the responsibility of managing their own verges by logging an Application for Self-Managed Verge (Rural) found below.
The definition of a verge is “the parcel of land from your property boundary to the edge of the road shoulder or back of the kerb.”
Residents wishing to manage their own verge become totally responsible for the area which includes the items below:
- Weed control;
- Reduce fire hazards, e.g. spray for weed grasses;
- Good Visibility – ensure plantings do not obstruct the view of the driveway from the road and the line of sight around intersections;
- Power line clearance – ensuring that shrubs are required to have a maximum height of 3-4 metres. No trees are allowed where power lines are present.
- Do not plant in any drains as these may be removed during drainage maintenance by the Shire;
- If burning on the verge is required, permission MUST be obtained prior. Failure to do this can be classified as arson. For more information, click here.
- All trees on the verge are managed by the Shire. If verge trees need to be assessed, please log a customer request here.
- Free Verge Plant Program – The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale in partnership with Landcare SJ Inc offers an annual free verge plant program to all residents regardless of whether they live in rural, semi-rural and urban areas. This program aims to increase the biodiversity values of the Shires verges and to encourage the creation of habitat for local birds and wildlife. For registration, please call Landcare SJ on 9526 0012.
All improvements to the verge need to be made behind the roadside drain if applicable. Residents MUST be mindful of underground services and power lines. Other than plants obtained through the Free Verge Plant Program, all other plants and improvements (including vegetation removal) need to be approved.
Assessment of application
Once a resident has submitted an application to manage their own verge, the application will be assessed by Shire Officers and notification provided if the application has been approved or not.
Free Verge Herbicide Checklist
Residents may be eligible for free herbicide for managed verges if they choose to control proclaimed weeds on their verge. By signing up for Bio actives free verge glyphosate, residents are committing to actively managing their verge.
Residents are entitled to one litre of glyphosate every two years if their verge is between 50 to 100 metres. Residents are entitled to one litre per year if their road verge is more than 100 metres.
Please fill out our herbicide checklist and email it to for approval by the Natural Reserves specialist. Once authorised, a voucher will be signed ready for distribution. The resident must sign with agreement to conditions of the use of herbicide before voucher will be handed over. If in doubt if the species is a weed or not, please do not spray, contact Natural Reserves specialist or Parks and Gardens to identify instead.
Demarcation of a managed verge
If your application is approved, the verge will be registered as a resident managed verge and the Shire will erect yellow posts on either side of the verge property boundary to allow for identification. These identification posts indicate to Shire Officers or contractors employed by the Shire to NOT undertake any works (spraying etc.) on that section of the verge, other than drainage or tree maintenance.
It is the resident’s responsibility to ensure the yellow posts are always visible and to notify the Shire if replacement yellow posts are required.
When a resident managed verge property is sold or the resident vacates the property, residents are requested to contact the Shire in writing to have the status removed, should this be required. It is the resident’s responsibility to notify the new owners of the managed verge status.
If a resident wishes to remove the status of a “Residents Managed Verge” from their property, please contact the Shire in writing.
Application for Self-Managed Verge (Rural)
You can lodge a self-managed verge application online by clicking the button below.
Self-managed verge request