Verges and Street TreesVerge Trees

Find out about verges and street trees, the free verge plant program, the street tree program and how to 'keep it local' with local plant species.

The FREE Verge Plant Program will be opening soon

This initiative is proudly co-funded by Water Corporation’s Waterwise Greening Scheme and forms part of our ambition for the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale to be a leading waterwise community.

The Free Verge Plant Program operates annually in partnership between Landcare SJ, the Roadside Care Volunteers, and the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.

Residents are encouraged to plant native species in their gardens which increases connectivity for native birds and animals throughout the Shire. 

Street Tree Program

Our Street Tree Program provides SJ residents with the chance to apply for FREE street trees to be planted on their verge.

Trees are an important natural asset that provide many environmental, economic and social benefits. They are effective at cooling neighbourhoods and provide shady areas during the warm months. Research has shown, in hot weather, it can be up to six degrees cooler under a densely shaded tree.

It is important that we increase the tree canopy cover of an area, with healthy street trees for a variety of reasons including;

  • Provide cooler liveable residential areas
  • Positive impact on Mental Health
  • Reduces energy demands like air conditioning, due to shade
  • Improve air quality
  • Increase biodiversity and provides habitat
  • Effective wind breaks
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions
  • Increase property values
  • Reduces stormwater runoff and erosion
  • Improves people’s sense of wellbeing

This initiative is proudly co-funded by Water Corporation’s Waterwise Greening Scheme and forms part of our ambition for the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale to be a leading waterwise community.

Program schedule

Our Street Tree Program is delivered in stages across each financial year, with the application stage open from 1 July - 31 March.

Application Period

1 July - 31 March

Applications may be submitted year round. However, any received after 31 March will fall into the following financial year.

Due to budget restraints, only a set number of trees can be planted in one year. Requests will be processed in order of when they are received.

All applications are recorded on the relevant financial year register.

Site Inspection and Tree Selection

1 April - 31 May

Inspections are carried out by Shire staff periodically throughout the year, or through April and May.

If approved, a suitable tree species will be selected for your verge (based on availability and Street Tree Master Plans). This informs the final financial year planting plan.

Trees Ordered and Allocated

By 30 June

The Shire places tree orders 9-12 months in advance of the start of any planting season to ensure the availability of desired species.

Trees are delivered and hardened off ready for planting by Shire staff.

Once planted, owners are required to maintain and water the tree as per the Street Tree Policy.

Tree Planting Season

June to September

If your approved request is not able to be completed for any reason (e.g. supply, resources, weather) it will be placed as priority for next year’s season.

Please note trees are only planted in June to September to maximise chance of survival.

Apply for a Street Tree

You can apply for a street tree online by clicking the button below.

Apply for a street tree

Keeping It Local

We encourage the use of plants native to the Swan Coastal Plain wherever possible. These plants are hardy, waterwise, and in some instances even fire-resistant. 

Useful Documents

Keeping It Local - Native Species List

Local Low Flammability Native Species

Recommended Urban Trees: Indigenous and Exotic