Friendly Neighbourhoods Grant

The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is supporting our community to get to know their neighbours and connect with their local neighbourhood.

The Friendly Neighbourhoods Grant is for individuals and local community groups to apply for financial assistance towards the costs associated with hosting an event or activity, that will foster these neighbourhood connections. Grants up to $250.00 (ex GST) per application are available all year round while funds remain.

An acquittal (including copes of receipts) must be submitted upon the completion of your activity and acknowledgement of the Shire for the contribution is also requested.


  • The event or activity is to occur on public property in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.
  • The consumption of alcohol is not permitted.
  • Applicants must allow four (4) weeks from the date of submission, for applications to be processed and notifications issued by the Shire regarding the outcome of the grant.


Before you submit your application, please contact one of our Shire Officers for further information and assistance with your application to ensure you are eligible on 9526 1111 or email 

You may submit your application by completing the online form below and (after speaking with the Community Development Team) return it to or in person to the Shire’s Customer Service Centre at 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong WA

Have you previously spoken to a Shire Officer regarding your grant application?*This field is required.

Payment text

Bank Account Details

Should your application be successful, the Shire will require relevant bank account details for the electronic transfer of your grant funding.

Declaration Agreement heading

Declaration Agreement

I submit this application for the Friendly Neighbourhood Grant as:*This field is required.
I hereby certify that the information contained herein to the best of my knowledge is true and correct*This field is required.
I understand that any decision by the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is final and is not subject to an appeal process*This field is required.
I agree that if this application is successful, the financial contribution will be utilised according to the details given*This field is required.
I acknowledge that an acquittal will be required at the end of the project to the satisfaction of the Shire. Any unspent funds are to be returned to the Shire.*This field is required.
Where an acquittal is not received, or the activity does not proceed, I agree the Shire will invoice me/my organisation for the return of the funds.*This field is required.



Application Form