Find out what sport and recreation clubs there are in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale with our Community Directory.
We have a dedicated Community Activation Officer who supports sport and recreation organisations to develop and thrive in the community.
The officer works with local clubs and organisations to provide information and guidance on:
Club Spot

Club Spot is an online resource hub designed specifically for sports club volunteers and administrators. Club Spot contains hundreds of pages of step-by-step procedures, training videos, training courses, templates and checklists- all created to make your club role easier!
Club Spot is FREE for all sporting and community clubs within the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale, so please go to the registration link below and send it to all committee members, administrators and volunteers of your club so they can register for the Club Spot of Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale
Register Here
Like the Sports Community Facebook Page to keep up with their latest webinars and club resources.
Game Plan
Sport Australia’s Game Plan is a digital platform designed to provide sporting clubs of all sizes with insights into their current capability and connect them with specific tools and resources to build and support ongoing development. Click here to find out more.

True Sport
True Sport provides a cohesive, all-sport approach to align values, culture and practices of sport delivery across WA and enrich the sport experience for all participants.
True Sport aims to provide specialised support for sports to tackle industry challenges. As the overarching umbrella brand, there’s currently three initiatives;
- True Sport Mental Health & Wellbeing;
- True Sport Child Safeguarding, and;
- True Sport Sideline Behaviour
Click here to find out more.

KidSport enables eligible Western Australian children aged 5 to 18 years to participate in community sport by offering them financial assistance of up to $300 per calendar year towards club fees.
All Western Australian children aged 5 to 18 with a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card.
For more information please click here.

Upcoming workshops will be added to this page once they have been organised.
Keep an eye out on the Clubs for All: Your Say SJ page for upcoming workshops
If your club has any relevant topics which you would like to be considered, please email the Shire's Sport and Recreation team
Funding Opportunities
The Shire has a number of funding opportunities for sport and recreation clubs and athletes in the region.
Major Event Grant funding |
The Major Event Grant supports local community organisations to deliver a community, sporting or cultural events in the Shire, where the event is of significance to the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale community and/or draws both residents from the Shire, the Peel Region and surrounds. Grants of $5,000 - $20,000 (ex GST) per financial year are available for organisations planning such events in the Shire.
General Grant funding |
The General Grant is for registered not-for-profit organisations and incorporated local community groups to apply for financial assistance up to $5,000, towards the implementation of projects, programs or small events that deliver community benefit, consistent with the following principles:
- Promote a sense of community and inclusion across the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale
- Celebrate cultural diversity and heritage
- Encourage residents to be healthy, active and engaged in community life
- Encourage the development of locally led and delivered projects and activities
- Support the delivery of high quality projects in line with Shire plans and objectives
Sporting Travel Grant |
Up to $200 financial assistance to athletes competing in state or national competitions |
Visit the Shire’s Grants and Funding page for more information.
Other Funding Sources
Every Club Hub Support
Find out ways to assist your clubs growth and get the latest information on governance and initiatives in Club Development on the Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries Every Club Hub.
Sport & Cultural Industries Every Club Hub
True Sport WA
True Sport supports local sporting clubs and associations to use eight values to share the benefits of sport and recreation to our whole community. True Sport is the sport we want. Good sport can make a huge difference to our community and it is important to help sports work together to share this message through using a common language that everyone understands.