The Shire has welcomed a recent report by UDIA WA, which identifies Mundijong and East Wellard in the Southern Growth Corridor as one of three key growth areas in Perth with the capacity to significantly boost housing potential.
With Mundijong having the capacity to accommodate thousands of new residential lots, the Shire backs the UDIA WA’s call for an initial investment of $421 million in critical enabling infrastructure funding across the three areas identified.
As part of its 2025 election priorities and requests, the Shire is advocating for $44.2 million for upgrades to nine priority roads and $43.77 million for the expansion of the SJ Community Recreation Centre.
Find out more about the Shire's advocacy efforts to unlock thousands of new homes, by advocating for critical enabling infrastructure investment in this info sheet: Unlocking housing potential in the Mundijong Corridor
Read the full story here: News Story - Shire welcomes housing report » Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale

Pictured: acting UDIA WA CEO Sarah Macaulay, President Rob Coales, Director Development Services Andrew Trosic and UDIA WA Executive Manager Communications and Engagement Gemma Osiejak.