SJ Little Learners Boxes

Great for supporting a curriculum topic in a variety of ways.

The library has a number of early literacy kits available to be borrowed by playgroups, home schoolers and other community groups and service providers in the Shire.

These kits promote the Better Beginnings message, "Read, Talk, Sing, Write and Play," and contain a range of books, games and other learning materials to support the kit's theme.

Packed with objects, activities, books, and games our SJ Little Learner boxes are a wealth of information and resources on a range of topics.

We currently have four boxes:

  • Body and Emotions
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Aboriginal Culture
  • Weather and Space

For more information, contact the library team on 9526 1133 or

The Body and Emotions Little Learners Box available from SJ Library Services

Pictured: The Body and Emotions Kit