Serpentine Jarrahdale State Emergency Services

The Serpentine Jarrahdale State Emergency Services (SES) unit plays a vital role in keeping our community safe during extreme weather conditions.
The SES provide a wide range of volunteer services to help SJ residents during the event of a storm, including restoring essential services, building repairs and assisting with floods.
Our local SES unit also aids WA Police in searches for missing persons and assists with community events.
Report an Emergency
For SES emergency assistance during a storm or other natural disaster, please ring 132 500.
For more information, visit the DFES website
Volunteer in Serpentine Jarrahdale
The Serpentine Jarrahdale SES meets weekly on Wednesday nights, with a variety of roles available in the unit.
Training is provided for new recruits, including:
- First aid
- Map reading and navigation
- Land search techniques
- Storm damage techniques
- Flood boat rescue
- General rescue
- Radio communications
- Leadership
- Management
- Driving vehicles for emergencies
- Road crash rescue
- Single rope techniques (abseiling) and vertical rescue
- Observation from aircraft and supply dropping
- Ground support for fire services
SES volunteers also actively promote safety education, prevention and preparation measures in visits to service groups, senior centres and homes, local business and schools.
To volunteer at the Serpentine Jarrahdale SES, call unit Manager Martin Seward on 0417 997 875.
Visit the Serpentine Jarrahdale SES Facebook page