Recycling and waste

Waste and recycling

Choose from the options below to inform us of an issue about your bins, to request a service or to find out more about the Watkins Road Transfer Station and Recycling Centre.

Click on the links below to inform the Shire of a problem with your property bins or with waste in public spaces.

Property Bins

Apply for a new property bin service 

Please Note:  Applications can only be processed if they are signed by the landowner or their authorised agent, as bins belong to the property where they are located.

To apply for a new bin service, complete the "Apply for a New Bin Service" form below. Completed applications can be submitted electronically, by mail or in person at our Administration Centre. 

Apply for a New Bin Service form

Apply to upgrade an existing property bin service

Please Note:  Applications can only be processed if they are signed by the landowner or their authorised agent, as bins belong to the property where they are located.

To upgrade an existing bin service, complete the "Upgrade and/or Add to an Existing Bin Service" form below. Completed applications can be submitted electronically, by mail or in person at our Administration Centre.

Upgrade and/or Add to an Existing Bin Service form

Damaged Property Bin

To report a damaged property bin, please use the button below to report the issue.

Property Bin - Damaged

Missed Property Bin

If your property bin was not emptied on your collection day, please call Cleanaway on 9587 4655.

Stolen Property Bin

If your bin is stolen or missing please log a request online using the below link or phone 9526 1111 and our Customer Service Team will log a request to have your bin replaced.

Property Bin - Stolen

Other Waste

Illegal Dumping

To report illegal dumping within the Shire, please use the button below.

Illegal Dumping

Watkins Road Transfer Station and Recycling Centre

Book an On-Demand Bulk Waste Collection

To book a collection, please use the button below. Please note the On Demand Bulk Waste Collection was replaced by the bookable bulk waste collection service from June 2024.

Book here

The Watkins Road Waste Transfer Station is CLOSED until further notice due to the discovery of asbestos at the facility.

To enquire about tip passes, please use the button below.

Tip Pass Enquiry

For any other request, click on the button below.

Report It