Rates FAQsGlades Estate-Byford

The FAQs below are aimed at helping you learn more about your rates and how they are calculated.

Why we pay rates?

We consider your wants and needs through regular consultation, and then each year Council adopts a budget that reflects them. The rates you pay are your share of the amount of money we need to fund the budget, after taking into account all other forms of revenue (e.g. Federal and State funding and various fees and charges).

Where are my rates going?

Click here to find out where your rates are going.

How can I pay my rates?

To find out ways of paying your rates click here.

How are my rates calculated?

Our community contains a diverse range of property types, and to ensure the amount each ratepayer pays is equitable, Council has adopted seven rate categories (differential rates). We explain each category in detail in the ‘What do the rate categories mean?’ section.

Your rates contribution is calculated by multiplying the rate in the dollar for your rate category, by your valuation. Service charges like the Emergency Services Levy and the Waste Service Charge are then added resulting in your total contribution.

What are differential rates?

Differential rating is imposing a different rate in the dollar based on any, or a combination, of the following characteristics:

  • the purpose for which the land is zoned, whether or not under local planning scheme in force under the Planning and Development Act 2005
  • a purpose for which the land is held or used as determined by the local government
  • whether or not the land is vacant or not
  • or any characteristic or combination of characteristics prescribed

Differential rates for 2024/2025

Rate category Rate in the dollar (shown as cents in the dollar) Minimum payment
GRV Residential $0.094255 $1,444
GRV Commercial/Industrial $0.150751 $1,640
UV General  $0.004010 $1,581
UV – Rural Residential $0.004699 $2,084
UV – Commercial / Industrial $0.006656 $2,194
UV Intensive Farmland $0.007580 $3,163

The complete Objectives and Reasons Statement for the year ending 30 June 2025 will be available below.

What is Gross Rental Value (GRV)?

The GRV is the Gross Annual Rental potential of your property. It is supplied by the Valuer General’s Office, and shows what your property could earn in a year if it was being rented. The potential rental value for houses or other GRV properties is influenced by factors such as age, construction, size, car shelters, pools and location.

Your current GRV’s date of valuation is 1 July 2023. The GRV is assessed every three years. Despite possible changes to the rental market, the GRV remains fixed until the next valuation, unless you make changes to your property.

What is Unimproved Value (UV)?

The UV is the Unimproved Value of your property. Like the GRV, it is supplied by the Valuer General’s Office, and shows the value of your property in its original natural state.

Unlike the GRV, the Valuer General determines unimproved values annually. This year’s rates are calculated with revaluations effective from 1 July 2024. 

GRV generally applies for urban areas and UV for rural land.

You can visit the Valuer General’s website for more information on valuations used for rating and taxing.

What do the rate categories mean?

GRV Residential

Object: This category covers all improved non-rural properties used for residential purpose.

Reason: The Shire's rating strategy is to achieve rate revenue that meets the shortfall from other revenue sources and allows for the delivery of services and the creation of infrastructure. The Shire desires to levy rates that are more equitable across different types of properties and thus has implemented differential rates.

GRV Vacant

Object: This category covers all non-rural vacant properties.

Reason: Council has adopted a deliberate policy objective to discourage property owners from land banking.

GRV Commercial/Industrial

Object: This category covers all improved non-rural properties that are not vacant and are used for a purpose other than residential.

Reason: The Shire's rating strategy is to achieve rate revenue that meets the shortfall from other revenue sources and allows for the delivery of services and the creation of infrastructure. The Shire desires to levy rates that are more equitable across different types of properties and thus has implemented differential rates.

UV General

Object: This category covers all rural properties not covered by another rating category.

Reason: The Shire's rating strategy is to achieve rate revenue that meets the shortfall from other revenue sources and allows for the delivery of services and the creation of infrastructure. The Shire desires to levy rates that are more equitable across different types of properties and thus has implemented differential rates.

Rates, Concessions and Rebates

UV Rural Residential

Object: This category covers all rural properties up to 50,000sqm whose predominant use is Residential.

Reason: The Shire's rating strategy is to achieve rate revenue that meets the shortfall from other revenue sources and allows for the delivery of services and the creation of infrastructure. The Shire desires to levy rates that are more equitable across different types of properties and thus has implemented differential rates.

UV Commercial/Industrial 

Object: This category covers all rural properties used predominantly for commercial/industrial purpose, excluding those used for intensive agriculture.

Reason: The Shire's rating strategy is to achieve rate revenue that meets the shortfall from other revenue sources and allows for the delivery of services and the creation of infrastructure. The Shire desires to levy rates that are more equitable across different types of properties and thus has implemented differential rates

UV Intensive Farming 

Object: This category covers all rural properties used for intensive agriculture (e.g. poultry farms and feed lots).

Reason: The Shire's rating strategy is to achieve rate revenue that meets the shortfall from other revenue sources and allows for the delivery of services and the creation of infrastructure. The Shire desires to levy rates that are more equitable across different types of properties and thus has implemented differential rates.

How is the overdue interest calculated?

The overdue interest is worked out at 11% per annum calculated on a daily basis. 

For example:

Total Bill $685.00
Rubbish $175.00
Emergency Services Levy $30.00
Rates $480.00
Rates + Emergency Services Levy + Services = $685.00 x 11% = $75.35÷365 = $0.2064
Interest payable will be $0.2064 per day

What is a minimum rates payment

A minimum rate is set for each category. When the valuation is multiplied by the rate in the dollar is less than this minimum rate you'll pay the minimum rate. 

This is to make sure rating is equitable across all rating categories.

What if I am selling my property

At settlement, you will pay the amount of outstanding rates owing up to that date. The new owners will be responsible for paying rates after that date. Your settlement agent will proportion your rates for you.

What is the Emergency Services Levy?

The Emergency Services Levy (ESL) is a State Government charge that everyone in WA pays. We collect this fee on behalf of Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). This provides funding for fire and emergency service response teams, including local Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades and State-operated services like State Emergency Services.

For more information please refer to the ESL section of the DFES website dfes.wa.gov.au or enquire on free call 1300 136 099.

Swimming Pool Inspection Fees

Swimming pools are inspected once every four years. The swimming pool inspection fee is $232. This is charged at $58 per year over the four years.

Please let us know in writing if you no longer have a swimming pool. This way, we know that you no longer require inspections.

How do I apply for a rates concession?

You can apply for concessions relating to farmland and conservation activities on your property. Eligible properties in the UV Rural category can have their rate in the dollar reduced by 31% for farmland and 50% for conservation.

Farmland concessions are reviewed every two years. Please call the Rates Team on 9526 1111 to make an application. Applications are effective from 1 July.

For more information on the concessions please read the below information.

Farmland Concession

Council Policy 3.2.7 - Farmland Concessions

Farmland Concession Application Form 2022/23

Conservation Concession

Information Note on Conservation Zones

How do I lodge an objection on my GRV, UV value?

To lodge an objection visit the Landgate website here.