Building and Construction Site Waste Management
Building site affect many residents throughout the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale. When building sites aren’t managed correctly it can be hazardous to the environment, unsightly to local residents and costly to clean up.
Building Site Waste
It is a requirement of the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale’s Local Laws that an approved receptacle is available on every building site. The receptacles must have a closable lid and be adequate to ensure that the site is kept as clean and clear of waste and prevent any rubbish from being blown off site onto other properties.
Rangers perform routine and ad hoc inspections of all residential building sites within the Shire. On the first instance of a building site being found to be non-compliant, Rangers may contact the responsible building company to discuss the site requiring rectification. Rangers will advise of the non-compliance and actions that need to take place to rectify, infringements may be issued at this time.
After the first inspection of a building site, subsequent follow up inspections will occur and where sites are deemed non-compliant infringement notices will be issued to those builders that do not meet the requirements. Rangers may consider court action for any sites or builders with ongoing issues.
Rangers always encourage communication from the building companies after contact is made to advise of any plans or schedules that have been put in place to deem each individual building site compliant.
What we're trying to avoid:

Example of a good site:

Example of an unacceptable site:

Guide to Managing Builders waste
- Have a bin with a lid on site at all times that is able to be secured to prevent illegal dumping
- Ensure all waste is contained within the bin
- Check sites regularly
- Install measures to prevent sand drift
- Inform all contractors of the requirement to maintain a tidy site
Examples of Suitable Bins