Holiday Watch Patrol Service

The Shire's FREE Holiday Watch Patrol Service allows SJ residents heading out of town during short term holiday breaks to register their properties to be checked regularly by Rangers while they are away.

Designed to increase community safety, Ranger check-ups will consist of a simple drive-by to evaluate the property. Rangers will NOT access properties during check-ups.

If anything appears suspicious during the check-up or differs from the description the homeowner provides when registering their property, Rangers will contact the homeowner’s nominated emergency contact or keyholder.

Rangers will aim to patrol each property once within every 24 to 48 hours. 

This free service is not a substitute for appropriate security measures and the Shire will not be responsible for any loss or damage to properties using this service. 

This service is for short term holidays only (no longer than six weeks).

To register your property, simply fill out the form below.

Please note: If you return home earlier than expected, please call 9526 1358 to alert our Rangers.

Are there vehicles in your driveway that are visible from the road?*This field is required.
Are you anticipating any visitors while you are away?
Do you have lights on timer switches?*This field is required.
Does your property have an alarm?*This field is required.
I confirm I am the owner or legal tenant of this property


Holiday Security Tips

Here are some handy tips for you to consider before heading out of town for the holidays.

  • Ensure all doors and windows are locked
  • Let trusted neighbours know you are away (ask them to watch out for your property and collect your mail)
  • Cancel deliveries such as newspapers
  • Consider installing automatic timing devices for lights and radios
  • Be social media savvy and aware of what you're sharing online
  • Don't forget your bins

Terms and conditions

If you are applying for the Shire's free Holiday Watch Patrol Service, you MUST:

  1. Be a resident of the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale
  2. Give a minimum three (3) days notice
  3. This service is for short term holidays only 


Rangers will make every effort to attend daily at random times, however urgent matters will take priority.