Green Waste Verge Collections
As part of our temporary changes to SJ Waste Services, green waste verge collections are scheduled to occur in April and October 2025.
Dates for the October collection will be announced soon. In the meantime, refer to the areas outlined in the map below.
To find out your next collection date simply type your address into the field below:
IntraMaps Green Waste Search Placeholder [DO NOT DELETE]

What can be collected?
There are no volume restrictions in our green waste verge collections.
Acceptable green waste includes:
- Piles of green waste consisting of trees, branches and shrubs, or shrub prunings
- Less than 300mm in diameter
- Less than 1.5m long
- Any loose materials such as lawn cuttings, leaves and general green waste need to be placed in cardboard boxes or garden bags, which will be returned to the household to minimise contamination.
Please stack green waste materials neatly on the verge, with the cut ends facing the street and the leaves facing your property.

Green waste must be placed on the verge by 6am on the Monday of your collection date. Late piles will not be collected.
What cannot be collected:
Green waste will not be collected if it falls into the following categories:
- Large tree stumps greater than 300mm in diameter
- Branches exceeding 1.5m in length
- Any contaminated green waste
- Any junk, general waste, hard waste, recycling material, asbestos, chemicals, gas bottles or any other hazardous material will not be collected.