Mobile Library Service rolling into Whitby and Keysbrook

Published on Wednesday, 26 July 2023 at 9:58:57 AM

The Shire’s Mobile Library Service is set to make its way to Whitby and Keysbrook for a special trial period, bringing a treasure trove of books and other resources to these communities.

Starting from Monday, 31 July, the Mobile Library Service van will be stationed at the Whitby Sales Office fortnightly from 1 pm to 4 pm.

The van will then roll into the Keysbrook Fire Station Hall on the first Wednesday of every month from 1pm to 4pm, starting on 2 August. 

This initiative is part of the SJ Library Services' commitment to reaching out to diverse communities within the region. The Keysbrook and Whitby visits will begin as a trial with community interest to determine if they continue into the future. 

The SJ Mobile Library Service quickly picked up steam in Serpentine, Mundijong and Jarrahdale since its inception in 2022.

It comes fully stocked with a wide selection of resources and engaging media, so there’s something for everyone. 

Residents can look forward to: 

  • A vast collection of books
  • Convenient book returns
  • Easy membership setup
  • A diverge range of media
  • Reservations and Interlibrary loans
  • E-resources at your fingertips


For more information about SJ Library Services, including the Mobile Library Service's schedule, click here.

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