Bushfire Mitigation works are underway

Published on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 9:06:17 AM

While our volunteer bush fire brigades have been keeping us safe on the fire front, there’s been lots of work going on in the bush fire mitigation space to keep our environment safe and reduce the threat of fires.


Through funding from the State Government, our Emergency Services Team has been delivering our 23/24 mitigation program. Recent achievements include

  • Spraying completed at Manjedal Brook Reserve
  • Various verge mulching works completed throughout the Shire
  • 70+ kms of tracks inspected with maintenance schedules in place
  • Continuing to utilise our mitigation sheep on Shire reserves


You can play your role in being bushfire ready, too. Got 15 minutes to burn? Create your bushfire plan today https://mybushfireplan.wa.gov.au/

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