Hypergrowth Roads Program
The Tonkin Highway extension will start in 2025, and that means the Shire's local roads are going to see more traffic at a time when many are already in very poor condition.
Safer roads are priority for the Shire, and we are committed to building a safer road network. Our Hypergrowth Roads Program, funded by an $18 million State Government commitment, is enabling us to upgrade the following Shire roads:
- Kargotich Road
- Soldiers Road
- Orton Road
Upgrades include road widening, pavement rehabilitation, drainage investigation and street lighting design.
The layout plan of the Hypergrowth Road Program projects, is shown below:

Further information on each of these projects can be found below.
For the latest on road works, follow the Shire on Facebook or check our Road Report.
Kargotich Road
Why are these upgrades important?
The Tonkin Highway extension is set to start construction in 2025. This means that it is critical that the Shire's key roads are upgraded to cope with the extra traffic this will bring to the area. If these roads are not upgraded, we risk them becoming more unsafe, potentially resulting in more traffic accidents.
What do these upgrades include?
The scope of works includes pavement rehabilitation and resurfacing, road widening, upgrade and cleaning of the existing table drains, vegetation clearing and pruning of the trees within the clear zone.
Where are the upgrades taking place?
- Stage 1: From Rowley Road to Thomas Road - completed.
- Stage 2 and 3: From Thomas Road to Orton Road
What is happening now?
Works for Stage 1 have now been completed, making the first major milestone of the Hypergrowth Roads Program.
These works included pavement rehabilitation, resurfacing and widening a three-kilometre stretch between Rowley Road and Thomas Road. A series of safety barriers were also installed and an existing culvert received major upgrades.
Stage 2 and 3 works on Kargotich Road start on 10 February 2025 and are set to finish on 15 May 2025, weather conditions and site constraints permitting.
Construction means that a portion of the road will be closed from Thomas Road to Orton Road for the duration of the works.
A map of road closures and detours is provided below.
We understand that these road closures may cause inconvenience, and we sincerely appreciate the community's patience and cooperation. These essential upgrades will significantly improve road safety, accommodate future growth, and enhance infrastructure for the community’s long-term benefit.
Soldiers Road
Orton Road
Why are these upgrades important?
The Tonkin Highway extension is set to start construction in 2025. This means that it is critical that the Shire's key roads are upgraded to cope with the extra traffic this will bring to the area. If these roads are not upgraded, we risk them becoming more unsafe, potentially resulting in more traffic accidents.
What do these upgrades include?
The scope of works includes pavement rehabilitation and resurfacing, road widening, upgrade and cleaning of the existing table drains, vegetation clearing and pruning of the trees within the clear zone.
Where are these upgrades being carried out?
From Kargotich Road to 100m east of Bullock Drive (western end of Tonkin Highway extension).
What is happening now?
These upgrades will start on 10 March 2025, and finish on 30 April 2025. A portion of the road from Hopkinson Road to Kargotich Road will be closed for the duration of the works.
A map of road closures and detours is below for your information.
We understand that these road closures may cause inconvenience, and we sincerely appreciate the community's patience and cooperation. These essential upgrades will significantly improve road safety, accommodate future growth, and enhance infrastructure for the community’s long-term benefit.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is happening on Kargotich and Orton Roads?
The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale secured $18 million in State Government funding to upgrade Kargotich Road, Orton Road, and Soldiers Road. These upgrades are fully funded by the State Government.
The works must begin promptly to meet funding requirements, starting before the March 2025 State election and finishing by the end of the 2024-25 financial year.
Completed works:
- Upgrades to two roundabouts on Soldiers Road.
- Improvements to a section of Kargotich Road between Rowley and Thomas Roads.
Upcoming works:
Upgrades to Kargotich and Orton Roads. Road closures and detours will be required, including:
- Kargotich Road: closed between Thomas Road and Orton Road.
- Orton Road: closed between Hopkinson Road and Kargotich Road.
Planned timeframe: 10 February 2025 to 15 May 2025 on Kargotich Road and 10 March 2025 to 30 April 2025 on Orton Road, (subject to change due to factors like weather).
Who will be undertaking the works?
At its December 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting, the Shire awarded the tender to Raubex Construction Pty Ltd (Raubex Construction).
You can read the minutes of the meeting here: https://www.sjshire.wa.gov.au/council/council/council-and-committee-meetings/minutes-and-agendas.aspx
For traffic management queries or concerns related to this project, please contact the Contractor’s representative Beki Giri during business hours on 0428 644 735 or the Shire on 9526 1111.
What are the benefits of these works?
With the $1 billion Tonkin Highway extension starting soon, traffic in the Shire is expected to increase significantly. These upgrades will:
- Improve road safety.
- Reduce congestion.
- Support economic growth by enhancing infrastructure for businesses and industries.
- Improve connectivity.
- Accommodate population growth.
- Promote community development.
Why do roads need to be closed during these upgrades?
The works involve significant rehabilitation, including:
- Pavement resurfacing and widening.
- Drain cleaning and upgrading.
- Vegetation clearing and tree pruning.
Temporary road closures are necessary to ensure the works can be completed efficiently and safely.
What is the timeframe for the works?
The closures are planned for 10 February to 15 May 2025 on Kargotich Road and 10 March 2025 to 30 April 2025 on Orton Road, but the timeframe may change based on factors such as weather.
Will residents still have access to their properties during road closures?
Yes, residents will have access to their properties throughout the works. Emergency services will of course also have access at all times.
However, access may be restricted for short periods (a few hours) during specific activities like pavement stabilisation or asphalt placement.
Advance notice will be given in these cases, and the Shire will work closely with residents to minimise inconvenience.
How will detours be managed?
The contractor, Raubex Construction, is responsible for preparing a Traffic Management Plan. The plan will consider:
- Traffic data and peak flows.
- Feedback from previous road closures.
- Suitability of roads used for detours.
For traffic management queries or concerns related to this project, please contact the Contractor’s representative Beki Giri during business hours on 0428 644 735 or the Shire on 9526 1111.
Were residents consulted as part of the project?
In August 2022, local residents received letters inviting them to workshops for Kargotich and Orton Roads. Attendees provided feedback on the concept designs, which the Shire used to finalise the project plans.
Since that time the Shire has been working on:
- Approval of a vegetation clearing permit (this process took almost a year).
- Completion of flora and fauna surveys.
- Relocation of Telstra services and negotiations with Water Corporation.
- The tender and contract award process (around three months).
Affected stakeholders have received written notices and were invited to provide written feedback during a specific timeframe in January 2025.
Will trees be removed as part of the works?
Yes, the Shire has obtained a vegetation clearing permit to do so. A maximum of 373 trees will be removed due to road widening, but only those near the road edge.
The Shire will:
- Follow its Tree Retention and Planting Policy.
- Limit tree removal to the minimum required.
- Implement a revegetation program in line with State and Federal guidelines.
How can stakeholders stay updated?
Updates will be shared through:
- Letters to affected residents and businesses.
- Variable Message Boards near road closures.
The Shire strongly advises that for regular updates you follow our Facebook page and check our website, including the online Road Report.
Who can I contact with concerns or feedback?
For traffic management queries, or concerns related to this project, please contact the Contractor’s representative Beki Giri during business hours on 0428 644 735 or the Shire on 9526 1111.