Ordinary Council Meeting - 21 November 2022

Monday, November 21, 2022


9.1 – Notice of Motion - Community Funding – Centrepoint Church Christmas Carnival 2022 (SJ4044) (359.31 KB)

9.2 – Notice of Motion - Electoral reform advocacy (SJ3929) (425.41 KB)

10.1.9 - West Mundijong Industrial Area Discussion Paper and Infrastructure Funding (SJ1392-03) (840.77 KB)

Agenda - Ordinary Council Meeting - 21 November 2022 (11.15 MB)


Confirmed Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 21 November 2022 (11.95 MB)


8.1 - attachment 1 – Audit, Risk and Governance Committee Meeting Minutes – 7 November 2022 (1.18 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 1 - Development Plans (4.53 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 2 - Summary of Submissions (2.26 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 3 - Technical Assessment (1.81 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 4 - Surface Water Management Plan (2.85 MB)

10.1.2 - attachment 1 - Planning Application Report (32.97 MB)

10.1.2 - attachment 2 - Initial Responsible Authority Report (3.97 MB)

10.1.2 - attachment 3 - Deferral Responsible Authority Report (1.12 MB)

10.1.2 - attachment 4 - MODAP Minutes (718.17 KB)

10.1.3 - attachment 1 - U Turn South Western Highway Byford - Line Marking (1.03 MB)

10.1.3 - attachment 2 - Proposed Byford DAP Amendment (761.41 KB)

10.1.4 - attachment 1 - Development Application Details (18.06 MB)

10.1.4 - attachment 2 - Summary of Submissions (1.67 MB)

10.1.4 - attachment 3 - Clause 67 Assessment (1.48 MB)

10.1.5 - attachment 1 - Application Details (10.60 MB)

10.1.5 - attachment 2 - Summary of Submissions (1.30 MB)

10.1.5 - attachment 3 - Clause 67 Checklist (1.06 MB)

10.1.5 - attachment 4 - Plans for Councils Determination (7.00 MB)

10.1.6 - attachment 1 - Application details (3.49 MB)

10.1.6 - attachment 2 - Clause 67 Checklist (814.52 KB)

10.1.6 - attachment 3 - Summary of Submissions (752.35 KB)

10.1.6 - attachment 4 - Flora and Fauna Survey (6.29 MB)

10.1.6 - attachment 5 - Hydrology Report (2.44 MB)

10.1.7 - attachment 1 - Development Plans (5.84 MB)

10.1.7 - attachment 2 - Summary of Submission (751.17 KB)

10.1.7 - attachment 3 - Technical Assessment (876.04 KB)

10.1.7 - attachment 4 - Traffic Impact Assessment (1.65 MB)

10.1.7 - attachment 5 - Noise Report (1.28 MB)

10.1.7 - attachment 6 - Bushfire Management Plan (13.80 MB)

10.1.8 - attachment 1 - Responsible Authority Report (3.14 MB)

10.1.8 - attachment 2 - Minutes of MODAP Meeting (1.27 MB)

10.1.8 - attachment 3 - Amended Details (64.32 MB)

10.1.8 - attachment 4 - Summary of Submissions (1.14 MB)

10.1.8 - attachment 5 - Clause 67 Checklist (2.62 MB)

10.1.8 - attachment 6 - Plans for Determination (74.60 MB)

10.1.9 - attachment 1 - Discussion paper - Future options for the West Mundijong area and role of the Shire of SJ (792.48 KB)

10.1.10 - attachment 1 - Request for Quote as distributed (3.18 MB)

10.1.11 - attachment 1 - Tourmaline Boulevard, Byford (L8053) - 405474 - Summary of Submissions - Dog Exercise Area (940.75 KB)

10.2.1 - attachment 1 - Rivers Regional Council OCM Minutes - 20 October 2022 (992.46 KB)

10.2.2 - attachment 1 - Mundijong Sales Yard Building and Incidental Structures Inspection report (9.69 MB)

10.3.1 - attachment 1 – List of Creditors Accounts Paid and Submitted to Council for the period ending 31 October 2022 (1.27 MB)

10.3.1 - attachment 2 - Westpac Purchasing Card Report - 29 August 2022 to 27 September 2022 - Redacted (4.41 MB)

10.3.2 - attachment 1 - Monthly Financial Report - September 2022 (2.52 MB)

10.3.4 - attachment 1 – Corporate Business Plan Performance Report 1 July to 30 September 2022 (3.73 MB)

10.3.4 - attachment 2 - Corporate Business Plan 2022-23 Quarter One Review – Tracked Changes (13.48 MB)

10.4.1 - attachment 1 – Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) - Minutes – 11 October 2022 (1.28 MB)