Council meetings

2025 Meeting Dates

Council and Committee Meetings will be live streamed and audio recorded in accordance with Council Policy. If you are asking a public question or making a statement or deputation to the meeting this will be live streamed and audio recorded. Members of the public are reminded that no other visual or audio recording of this meeting by any other means is allowed.

Ordinary Council Meetings

Ordinary Council Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at the Civic Centre, 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong and commence at 7pm as per the below schedule. Residents and ratepayers are welcome to attend. 

There is no Ordinary Council Meeting in January.

No action should be taken on any item discussed at a Council Meeting prior to written advice on the resolution of Council being received.

Ordinary Council Meetings Schedule
Ordinary Council Meeting 10 February 2025
Ordinary Council Meeting 17 March 2025
Ordinary Council Meeting 14 April 2025
Ordinary Council Meeting 19 May 2025
Ordinary Council Meeting 16 June 2025
Ordinary Council Meeting 21 July 2025
Ordinary Council Meeting 18 August 2025
Ordinary Council Meeting 15 September 2025
Ordinary Council Meeting  13 October 2025
Ordinary Council Meeting 17 November 2025
Ordinary Council Meeting 8 December 2025

Committee Meetings

Council has the following Committees:

  • Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
  • CEO Employment Committee

The dates for the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee are listed below. All meetings commence at 6.00pm and are held in the Council Chambers located in the Civic Centre, 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong.

Audit, Risk and Governance Committee Meetings

Committee Meetings Schedule
Audit, Risk and Governance Committee Meeting 24 February 2025
Audit, Risk and Governance Committee Meeting 26 May 2025
Audit, Risk and Governance Committee Meeting 25 August 2025
Audit, Risk and Governance Committee Meeting 24 November 2025

CEO Employment Committee Meetings

Special CEO Employment Committee meetings will be called by the Presiding Member at a later date to review and set the CEO KPIs in line with the budget process.

En Bloc

The term ‘en bloc’ is used to describe the practice of grouping multiple reports together and adopting the recommendations presented to a Council or Committee in a single resolution, rather than a separate resolution for each recommendation.

En Bloc voting can be used to provide efficiency in the meeting, where all members attending the meeting believe that a number of items, motions or recommendations can be determined without debate.

As part of the Shire’s efforts to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness, meetings will include the opportunity for matters to be considered by Council en bloc.

Matters not to be included in en bloc decisions are those which require:

  • Absolute Majority;
  • Matters to be determined behind closed doors;
  • Declared Interests made in relation to the item; and
  • Deputations or Statements made in relation to the item.