Local Planning Policy 4.21 – Rural Short Stay Accommodation (Closed)

Local Planning Policy 4.21 is designed to assist in facilitating  tourism development within the Shire’s rural zones.

 The community engagement process of LPP 4.21 allows for key stakeholders and the wider community to provide input on the policy. Submissions regarding the policy can be made on the Shire’s website, via email or in person at the Shire offices.


Why is the Shire engaging on the project?

At the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale Ordinary Council Meeting on November  2020, Council resolved to adopt the proposed Local Planning Policy 4.21 (Rural Short Stay Accommodation) to proceed to advertise the Proposed Policy in accordance with Deemed Provision 4(1) of Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale Town Planning Scheme No. 2.

What is the purpose of LPP 4.21?

To facilitate appropriately scaled tourism accommodation within rural areas.

What are the potential benefits of LPP 4.21?

It will provide opportunities for short stay and nature based accommodation in rural zones.

Is there potential for LPP 4.21 will be the detriment of the Shire’s rural zones? 

No. LPP 4.21 will help to ensure that the rural character and streetscapes of the area will be maintained.

Does LPP 4.21 take the rural land and into consideration?

Yes. LPP 4.21 is designed to protect rural land as well as providing a balance between any existing land uses, rural pursuits and short stay accommodation.

How will my feedback be used?

All valid submissions will be collated and presented to Council for their consideration.

 Who will make the final decision on this initiative?

Council will make the final decision on the initiative. Council will also have the final decision on any possible amendments that may come as a result of formal submissions that are made.

Making a submission

Submissions on the Local Planning Policy 4.21 – Rural Short Stay Accommodation may be lodged by one of the following ways:

  • Email your feedback to info@sjshire.wa.gov.au stating the following reference number: SJ2541
  • A written submission, submitted by mail or in person to 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong, including the reference number: SJ2541
  • Completing an online submission form which can be downloaded below. 

Submissions close 5pm, 5 February 2021.

Document Library

Local Planning Policy 4.21 Rural Short Stay Accommodation

Submission form

Contact Details

Name: Strategic Planning Team

Phone: 9526 1111

Email: info@sjshire.wa.gov.au