Council Policy – Permissible Verge Treatments – Rural
Closes: Friday 26 June 2020 11:59 pm
The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale has developed a draft Council Policy – Permissible Verge Treatments – Rural.
This Policy will complement the existing Council Policy – Permissible Verge Treatments – Urban.
The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale has a unique beauty and character, based on a rural history and natural areas of regional and local environmental significance. Development in rural areas can alter the character of the area, and this policy aims to provide a high level of amenity, sense of place for the community and unique landscape typology. The unique character of the Shire is an essential component of the attraction for both visitors and local residents.
The draft Council Policy – Permissible Verge Treatments – Rural aims to establish guidelines, procedures and standards for rural road verge treatments and management. Landscaping forms an integral part of a liveable community by providing structure and identity. Attractive rural road verges contribute to liveability, sense of community, amenity and tourism.
This policy states Council’s preference for leafy green streetscapes, establishes the basis for shared responsibility for road verge maintenance, and promotes a unique landscape and high level of amenity.
Read the draft Council Policy here.
Read the draft Guidelines here.
Provide Your Feedback
The Shire is committed to engaging with the community and stakeholders to gain their feedback on the draft Council Policy – Permissible Verge Treatments – Rural.
Submissions on the draft Policy and Guidelines can be lodged in writing on the submission form available here by email to, by mail or in person to 6 Paterson Street, Mundijong by the closing period of Friday 26 june 2020. For enquiries regarding the Policy, please contact the Shire on 08 9526 1111 or