Listings for Community » Arts and Culture

9 results found

  • Byford Book Club
    9525 4059
    9525 4059
  • Heritage Country Choir

    We are a 4 part community choir who perform at numerous events throughout the year, including markets, public holiday and Shire events and our annual concert. Performances are not compulsory, but members are encouraged to attend. Musical knowledge is beneficial but not essential – you just have to love singing! We boast a qualified choir director and a professional pianist, rehearsing weekly in Byford. Our repertoire includes Musicals, Rock, Jazz, Pop, Classics, theatre, gospel and folk – something for everyone. We are an inclusive choir. No auditions required.

    0414 667 960
    0449 019 700
    Briggs Park Pavillion mead st Byford 6122
  • Hugh Manning Tractor and Machinery Museum

    Our passion is to share our collection of vintage tractors (over 60) and machinery (over 60) with people from all over the world. Most of our collection of tractors and machinery has been restored to excellent working condition, after having served the farming community in the state of Western Australia from the early 1900’s.

    9390 5129
    Wellard Street Serpentine WA
  • Jarrahdale Heritage Society

    "We're committed to the preservation of Jarrahdale's natural and man-made heritage."

    +61 488 555 538
    631 Jarrahdale Road Jarrahdale WA
  • Mosaic Matters - Art and Social Group
    0448 520 315
  • Mundijong Junction Book Club

    Hey hey SJ! Do you want to enjoy a nice cuppa and a good read with a bunch of like minded individuals? Well come over the to the old railway station on Paterson Street Mundijong every , first Monday of the month, 6:30 pm.

    9525 5742
    patterson street
  • Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Resource Centre

    The Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Resource Centre is open Monday to Friday, 8:30am-4.30pm. The goal of the SJCRC is to provide a community focal point delivering access to communication technology and a range of government and business services including education, community workshops/activities and training opportunities to the Serpentine Jarrahdale Community. The SJCRC are also a community recycling hub for Terracycle Program. Justice of the Peace Services are available Monday 12:30-3pm, Wednesday 10am-12noon, Thursday 10am-1pm & Friday 10am-12noon, 2 Paterson Street, Mundijong (no appointment necessary)

    9503 2967
    2 Paterson Street Mundijong WA 6123
  • Serpentine Jarrahdale Library Services

    Serpentine Jarrahdale Library Service is a place where people can always find ways to grow connections with others in the community, through the welcoming atmosphere and free services that our service provides. From visiting residents in our southern suburbs through our Mobile Library Service to providing core library services, programs and events to support lifelong learning we are always welcoming new faces and new members, our Library family is always growing. Serpentine Jarrahdale Library Services ... Full of discoveries

    9526 1133
    858 south western highway Byford WA 6122
  • Serpentine Yarn Spinners and Craft Group

    Meets Mondays from 9am-1.30pm except public holidays. All fibre crafts welcome; for queries contact Jessie Woolven on 9525 2212

    9525 2212
    CWA Hall, cnr Richardson and Tonkin Streets Serpentine