Update on green waste and bulk waste services

Published on Wednesday, 8 November 2023 at 6:22:45 PM

Serpentine Jarrahdale ratepayers will start receiving tip passes in their letter box from this week, and a Shire-wide green waste verge collection will commence later this month as part of the Shire’s response to the closure of the Watkins Road Transfer Station.

When will the tip passes arrive?

Distribution of 2 x tip passes for bulk waste disposal at the City of Armadale Landfill and Recycling Facility before 31 January 2024 commenced on Monday, 6 November. Residents are encouraged to check their mailbox over the coming days. Residents in rental properties are asked to contact the owner or property manager to obtain tip passes. Owners have been asked to forward tip passes to their tenants.

When will the green waste collection commence?

Collection will commence on Monday 20 November with rural areas being given priority to minimise fire risk. Please refer to the map below which sets out the date for you to put out your green waste. For more information visit the dedicated webpage.

 What is the Shire doing about the Watkins Road Waste Transfer Station?

The Station will be closed until further notice to ensure the safety of our community and staff. The Shire has employed contractors to undertake a thorough investigation and provide recommendations for remediation. A report is scheduled to be presented to Council in December 2023 to consider options and next steps.

What will the long-term solutions be for green waste and bulk waste services?

We recognise that residents are keen to know what green waste and bulk waste services will be provided in 2024. We are working through all the options, which will be presented in due course to Council for decision. We appreciate your patience while we work through all these matters.

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