Ordinary Council Meeting - 20 May 2024

Monday, May 20, 2024


9.2 - Notice of Motion - Invitation to Offroad Vehicles Association and Trailbike Riders Association (348.90 KB)

9.3 - Notice of Motion - Invitation to Western Australian Local Government Association (318.01 KB)

9.4 - Notice of Motion - Youth Advisory Council (388.74 KB)

9.5 - Notice of Motion - The Glades at Byford Lake Pedestrian Overpass (392.00 KB)

9.6 - Notice of Motion - Community Debrief for the Keysbrook Fire Incident (372.38 KB)

9.7 - Notice of Motion - Reducing Local Government Red Tape (350.72 KB)

Agenda - Ordinary Council Meeting - 20 May 2024 (8.04 MB)


Confirmed Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 20 May 2024 (8.26 MB)


4.1 - Attachment 1 - Objection to Proposed Amendment to Approved Abattoir to allow the increase - Petition (2.79 MB)

4.2 - Attachment 1 - Serpentine Lifestyle Village Residents Committee - Petition - Improving Access to Serpentine Lifestyle Village (8.84 MB)

4.3 - Attachment 1 - Lowering Speed on King Road - King Road Brewery (26.69 MB)

9.1 - attachment 1 - Best practice guidelines for bird scaring in orchards - noise consideration (1.23 MB)

9.1 - attachment 2 - Best practice guidelines for bird scaring in orchards (1,012.94 KB)

9.6 - attachment 1 - Keysbrook Bushfire Map (1.28 MB)

9.6 - attachment 2 - Western Australian Traffic Management Aide Memoire (872.18 KB)

9.6 - attachment 3 - Local Emergency Management Committee Meeting Minutes - 12 March 2024 (3.16 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 1 - Responsibility Authority Report (3.20 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 2 - Development Plans (23.27 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 3 - Summary of Submissions (1.97 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 4 - Clause 67 Assessment (1.36 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 5 - Parking Assessment (1.74 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 6 - Traffic Impact Assessment and Addendum (6.70 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 7 - Environmental Acoustic Assessment (1.55 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 8 - Landscaping Plan (4.75 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 9 - Stormwater Management Plan (1.37 MB)

10.1.1 - attachment 10 - Combined Documents for Determination (40.90 MB)

10.1.2 - attachment 1 - Council Policy - Existing General Compliance and Enforcement (806.23 KB)

10.1.2 - attachment 2 - Council Policy - General Compliance and Enforcement for Council’s adoption (816.80 KB)

10.1.2 - attachment 3 - Council Policy - General Compliance and Enforcement with track changes (1.06 MB)

10.1.3 - attachment 1 - Application details (30.69 MB)

10.1.3 - attachment 2 - DWER Licence (5.29 MB)

10.1.3 - attachment 3 - Summary of Submissions (1.54 MB)

10.1.3 - attachment 4 - Clause 67 Checklist (800.96 KB)

10.1.4 - attachment 1 Existing Local Planning Policy 4.5 - Temporary Accommodation (669.63 KB)

10.1.4 - attachment 2 Draft Local Planning Policy 4.5 - Short Term and Temporary Accommodation (790.26 KB)

10.1.5 - attachment 1 - G & G Corp DCA1 Statement (680.17 KB)

10.1.6 - attachment 1 - Draft Local Planning Policy 2.9 (858.69 KB)

10.1.6 - attachment 2 - Draft LPP 2.9 - Summary of Submissions (710.84 KB)

10.1.6 - attachment 3 - Draft LP Policy 2.9 - modifications (660.22 KB)

10.1.7 - attachment 1 - correspondence from landowner (2.21 MB)

10.1.7 - attachment 2 - correspondence from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (6.86 MB)

10.1.8 - attachment 1 - Final Connectivity and Access Study (21.36 MB)

10.1.9 - attachment 1 - Draft Terms of Reference as originally submitted (891.38 KB)

10.1.9 - attachment 2 - Revised Terms of Reference recommended for approval (979.43 KB)

10.1.10 - attachment 2 - Proposed MRS Amendment Map (1.48 MB)

10.1.11 - attachment 1 - Site Plan (1.02 MB)

10.2.1 - attachment 1 - Rivers Regional Council - Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes - 17 April 2024 (1.04 MB)

10.3.1 - attachment 1 - List of Accounts Paid Council Report - April 2024 (1.66 MB)

10.3.1 - attachment 2 - Westpac Purchasing Card Report - April 2024 (1.87 MB)

10.3.1 - attachment 3 - Fuel Purchasing Cards - April 2024 (1.03 MB)

10.3.2 - attachment 1 - Monthly financial report - March 2024 (1.58 MB)

10.3.4 - attachment 1 - Differential General Rates and the Minimum Payments Statement of Objects and Reasons (861.76 KB)

10.3.4 - attachment 2- Rating Strategy (825.02 KB)

10.3.5 - attachment 1 - Local Government Chief Executive Officers and Elected Members Salary and Allowances Determination 2024 (1.85 MB)

10.3.6 - attachment 1 - Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale Cat Local Law 2023 (4.52 MB)

10.3.8 - attachment 1 - Corporate Business Plan 2023-2027 Performance Report - 1 January to 31 March 2024 (3.40 MB)

10.3.8 - attachment 2 - Corporate Business Plan 2023-2027 - Quarter Three Review - Tracked Changes (5.68 MB)

10.4.1 - attachment 1 – Proposed lease agreement - Conservation and Land Management Executive Body and Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale (8.61 MB)

10.4.2 - attachment 1 – Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes - 18 April 2024 (1.72 MB)

10.4.2 - attachment 2 - Discussion Paper (1.97 MB)

10.4.3 - attachment 1 – Executed Standard Grant Agreement (14.28 MB)

10.4.3 - attachment 2 – Peel Regional Trails Project - Memorandum of Understanding (983.26 KB)

10.4.3 - attachment 3 – Gooralong Trail Precinct Car Park Design (1.75 MB)

10.4.4 - attachment 1 – 2023 2024 Round 2 Applications - Summary of Assessment Outcomes (1.14 MB)

10.4.5 - attachment 1 – Council Policy 1.1.10 – Civic Functions, Ceremonies and Receptions and Use of the Civic Centre – Current Policy (800.53 KB)

10.4.5 – attachment 2 – Council Policy 1.1.10 – Civic Events and Civic Awards - Revised Policy (816.85 KB)

10.5.1 - attachment 1 – Long list of Road Projects (8.77 MB)

10.5.1 - attachment 2 – Letter to Shire President from NGAA (791.05 KB)

10.5.2 - attachment 1 - PRLF Minutes 19 April 2024 (871.20 KB)

10.5.2 - attachment 2 - Harvey Water Update (2.74 MB)