Federal and State Government Election 2025: Priorities and requests

As one of the fastest growing local governments in Western Australia and a key growth area in the country, the Shire is experiencing an astounding population growth of nearly four new residents joining our Shire every day. By 2036 our population is projected to double to nearly 70,000 residents, and this number is expected to grow to more than 95,000 by 2046. 

The Shire recognises that despite traditional revenue sources and developer contributions, we cannot single handedly meet increasing demands for community infrastructure. We hope to continue to grow a mutually beneficial partnership between the Shire, Federal and State Government, enabling us to deliver essential social, environmental, and economic advantages for local residents, the broader Peel region and the entirety of Western Australia.

Four key projects have been endorsed by Council, to form the Shire's advocacy drive for the 2025 Federal and State Government elections.  Details on these projects are in these downloadable fact sheets, along with some key facts about the Shire. 

Federal and State Government Election 2025 Priorities and Requests

These fact sheets will be updated as these projects develop. 


Corporate Business Plan

Long-Term Financial Plan

Council Plan 2023-33