Ordinary Council Meeting - 15 April 2024

Monday, April 15, 2024


9.2 - Notice of Motion - Switch your Thinking SYT and South East Regional Energy Group SEREG (SJ4375) (317.25 KB)

12.1 - Councillor Questions of which Notice has been Given - Councillor Byas - Creditor Payment Breakdown (414.78 KB)

Agenda - Ordinary Council Meeting - 15 April 2024 (6.22 MB)

AMENDED OFFICER REPORT 10.4.1 - Equine Advisory Council - Equine Priorities Update and Recommendations - Amended (265.70 KB)


Confirmed Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 15 April 2024 (8.28 MB)


10.1.1 - attachment 1 - Road Layout Plan (1.61 MB)

10.1.2 - attachment 1 - Road Layout Plan (1.32 MB)

10.1.3 - attachment 1 - Road Layout Plan (3.06 MB)

10.1.4 - attachment 1 - Development Application (61.22 MB)

10.1.5 - attachment 1 - Whitby Town Estate Stage 3D Local Development Plan No. 21 (829.24 KB)

10.1.7 - attachment 1 - Multi-Criteria Analysis Matric table Compiled results (721.19 KB)

10.1.7 - attachment 2 - Maps of the various options included on the long-list (3.55 MB)

10.1.8 - attachment 1 - Scheme Amendment No. 3 - Omnibus Amendment Report (1.65 MB)

10.1.9 - attachment 1 - Mundijong Precincts E1 and E2 Local Structure Plan Report and Appendices (137.07 MB)

10.1.9 - attachment 2 - Summary of Submissions (2.70 MB)

10.1.9 - attachment 3 - Schedule of Modifications (2.42 MB)

10.1.10 - attachment 1 - correspondence from landowner (1.63 MB)

10.1.10 - attachment 2 - correspondence from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (5.78 MB)

10.3.1 - attachment 1 – List of Creditors Accounts Paid period ending 31 March 2024 (1.48 MB)

10.3.1 - attachment 2 – Westpac Purchasing Card Report – 29 January 2024 to 27 February 2024 – Redacted (1.69 MB)

10.3.1 - attachment 3 – Fuel Purchasing Cards Report – 01 February 2024 to 29 February 2024 – Redacted (1.04 MB)

10.3.2 - attachment 1 - Monthly financial report - February 2024 (1.88 MB)

10.4.1 - attachment 1 – Equine Advisory Group Minutes – 15 February 2024 (1.00 MB)

10.4.1 - attachment 2 – Equine Advisory Group Priorities Update – February 2024 (724.85 KB)

10.4.1 - attachment 3 – Strategy C1, Equine Trails Master Plan Extract (601.68 KB)

10.4.2 - attachment 1 – Proposed Licence agreement between PTAWA and Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale (820.78 KB)