Nominate a local hero for the Australia Day Community Awards

Published on Friday, 20 September 2024 at 4:09:45 PM

Nominations are now open for the Clem Kentish Community Service Award and the Community Citizen of the Year Awards, offering an opportunity to honor local heroes and groups who make a positive impact in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.

Clem Kentish Community Service Award

This prestigious award recognizes individuals with at least 20 years of dedicated service to the community. Eligible nominees must be Shire residents who have contributed to multiple committees benefiting the local area. Open to both individual and organisational nominations, the award winner will be honored at the Shire’s Australia Day Awards Ceremony in 2025, receiving a commemorative lapel badge and plaque. The deadline for nominations is Thursday, 31 October 2024.

Community Citizen of the Year Awards

The Auspire – Australia Day WA Community Citizen of the Year Awards celebrates exceptional community contributors in four categories:

  • Citizen of the Year: For individuals providing outstanding community service.
  • Citizen of the Year – Senior: For those over 65 who have made a lasting impact.
  • Citizen of the Year – Youth: For individuals under 30 who have demonstrated remarkable service.
  • Award for Active Citizenship: For groups or events that have significantly benefited the community.

These awards highlight the inspiring achievements of individuals and groups who challenge us to contribute to a better community. Nominations for both the Clem Kentish Award and the Community Citizen of the Year Awards close on 31 October 2024, with winners announced at the Australia Day Citizenship and Awards Ceremony on 26 January 2025.

Now is the time to nominate those who deserve recognition for their service—help us celebrate the community’s unsung heroes!

Nominate someone today!

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